Latest updates from fmidue
- makes !92 (closed) obsolete (incorporates everthing of !92 (closed)), namely:
- always use ByteString for IO on file system (close #849 (closed))
- destructive, iff server is not configured to use UTF8 as file encoding
- use actual used points when calculating points shown to students (in achieved .. of)
- enhance providing feedback in frontend (enable changing Report, use current submission according to task setting)
- always update best submission if it is better than the previous one
- destructive, iff currently active exercises or old exercises are reactivated after update
- use proper join in order to gain information on "Resultate" routes
- some minor task updates
- we had to perform most of the above changes as errors arose on ours or the students side during lectures
- always use ByteString for IO on file system (close #849 (closed))
- additionally:
- render multilang using text (#855 (closed))
- fixes and improvements to commentary feature
- add docker build script (e.g. for deployment)
- several task upgrades
- reenable fmidue tasks
- enable configuring timeouts for backend server interactions
- close #849 (closed), #855 (closed), !92 (closed)
Edited by waldmann